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A Catered Murder Page 7
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Page 7
“He’s separating from Sukie.”
Tiffany patted Libby’s hand.
“Be careful.”
“I intend to be.” Libby moved her neck one way and then another, working out a kink in it. “He gave me some glass beads that he made.”
“What is a glass bead?”
“It’s like a large marble.”
Tiffany shifted around in her seat. “Personally I think you deserve a diamond ring.”
“I like these better because he made them.”
Tiffany rolled her eyes. “You really are hopeless.” Then she turned her attention back to the pond. “What happened to the black swan?” she asked Libby.
“He died. Which reminds me.” Libby consulted her watch. “I was supposed to be down at the police station ten minutes ago.”
Chapter 10
“And I thought doing food styling was grueling,” Bernie said to herself as she arranged mini crab cakes on a bed of watercress. Here it was seven o’clock at night and she, Amber, and Libby were in Nigel’s kitchen getting ready to serve dinner when she should have been relaxing with a martini. In the TV studio, someone served her food, not the opposite way around.
“At least the kitchen is air-conditioned,” Bernie observed, trying to be positive.
Libby grunted and turned up the heat under the sauté pan.
“And we got our stuff back from the police.”
Libby nodded and kept her eyes fixed on the pieces of chicken she was sautéing.
Bernie studied her sister for a moment. Libby had been acting preoccupied ever since they’d gotten their stuff out of the cafeteria, but then, Bernie reflected, her sister always had been sensitive to pressure and today had been a bitch.
“Are you sure you’re all right?” she asked.
“I’ll be better after this meal is served,” Libby allowed. “It’s been a long day.”
“It certainly has,” Bernie agreed and changed the subject. “Everyone likes the crab cakes.”
“As well they should.” Libby slid another piece of chicken into the sauté pan on the stove. The store was known for her mother’s crab and sweet potato cakes.
Bernie looked around. “How much do you think Herron spent on this kitchen?”
“Fifty thousand. At least,” estimated Libby as she eyed the granite countertops, brushed steel appliances, tile floor, and oak cabinets. “Probably a drop in the bucket by L.A. standards.”
“It would be triple that amount out there,” Bernie said. “Although these days they’re doing fifties kitchens. Refrigerators with rounded corners in robin’s egg blue. High Tech is out.” She absentmindedly slid her onyx and silver ring up and down her finger. “I was thinking that we’ve come a long way from crouching over a fire roasting a hunk of meat.”
“It’s amazing isn’t it?” Libby replied. “And those people managed to do it without a three-thousand-dollar gas barbecue, a fifty-dollar sable-hair basting brush, and a three-hundred-dollar German slicing knife.”
“Feeling a little puritanical, are we?” Bernie asked.
“No.” Libby indicated the hundreds of dollars worth of pristine copper and steel-clad pans hanging on the rack above the eight-burner commercial stove. “I just think if you buy something, you should use it.”
Bernie tsked. “Libby, Libby. These pans aren’t supposed to be used, they’re totemic items, strictly for show, a testimony to Nigel’s wealth and taste, in the same way that women in the fifties used to carry white gloves as a sign of their good breeding or African women in certain tribes wear all their gold jewelry.”
“Silly me, how could I have missed that?” Libby said.
Bernie laughed. “What does this guy Nigel do anyway?”
“Investment banking. Why?”
“Just curious.” Bernie picked up the tray. “And Libby.”
Her sister turned.
“Now what?”
Bernie pointed to the white shirt she was wearing, her own T-shirt having acquired a grease stain she couldn’t get out earlier in the day.
“I just want you to know that come what may, no matter what emergencies occur tomorrow—even if the entire town is wiped out by the plague—I am planning on getting a pedicure and going shopping. This is the last day I’m wearing this.”
“What’s wrong with my shirt?” Libby demanded.
“Nothing. If you’re a size sixteen.”
“It’s not that loose.”
“It certainly is.” Bernie took a handful of material and pulled. “God gave you boobs. Why not show them?”
Libby gave the chicken a jab with her fork. “Because I’m more comfortable when my shirts don’t fit like a second skin. I take it you spoke to your friend in L.A.”
“She called while you were in the shower.”
“Emily said Joe told her he gave all my stuff to the Salvation Army. The bastard. He knows there’s nothing I’m going to do about it from here. You should have seen my Jimmy Choo’s.” A wistful expression crept across Bernie’s face. “They had Marabou feathers and four inch heels that had this little curve inward. They were wonderful and damned if I didn’t look good in them. When I wore them I felt as if I owned the room. Have you ever felt that way?”
Libby pushed her hair off her face with her forearm.
“No,” she admitted as she took the chicken out of the pan, laid it on a brown paper bag to drain, and started sautéing another batch. “I can’t honestly say I have.”
“It’s fun.” And Bernie started for the living room.
Libby kept sautéing. Considering the little time they’d had, she was pleased at the way she, Bernie, Amber, and Googie had pulled everything together.
The appetizers were simple but good. One, because Libby believed in taking the edge off hunger, not killing it, and two, because she didn’t like fiddly little things. They were serving cherry tomatoes stuffed with goat cheese, nicoise olives, tapanade and hummus with toasted pita wedges, crab and artichoke dip in endive leaves, and little crab cakes with remoulade sauce, all of which Bernie had artfully arranged in bowls and platters decorated with fresh flowers and herbs.
The first course was a salad of field greens with strawberries and glazed walnuts tossed with a balsamic vinaigrette dressing, which tasted good and took two seconds to throw together, and while people were eating that, Libby could finish off the second course, Moroccan style chicken sauté with preserved lemons, and reheat the couscous and gingered carrots.
For dessert Libby had had Googie make four different kinds of cookies: shortbread, linzer tarts, chocolate snaps, and lemon crisps. She’d also pulled some double-coffee ice cream that she’d made two weeks ago out of the freezer and was serving it with a simple chocolate sauce flavored with rum, a combination that everyone always liked.
Libby was thinking that she’d have to make some ice cream tomorrow morning, when Nigel Herron came into the kitchen. Tall and gangly, with a tendency to wave his arms about, he always reminded Libby of his namesake, the Blue Heron.
“Is there anything I can do for you?” Libby asked, still keeping one eye on the chicken so she didn’t burn it.
“Well, first of all I wanted to thank you for doing this in the light of what happened on Saturday.”
“No problem.”
“So distressing.”
“Homicide tends to be,” Libby observed.
Nigel smiled weakly at Libby’s remark and rubbed the side of his nose with his knuckle.
“I was thinking about canceling the party, but Susan’s worked so hard, I just didn’t have the heart. And I think Laird would have wanted us to go on, don’t you?”
“I had to force myself to go in to work today. Everything seems so unreal. I understand you were down at the police station for most of the afternoon. Do they have any leads yet?”
Libby moved the chicken pieces around in the pan.
“If they have them, they’re not telling me.”r />
“Ah . . . I thought they might. Your being . . .”
“The former police chief ’s daughter?”
“All the more reason not to.”
“Ah, yes. I forgot about that unfortunate political contretemps.” Nigel rubbed his hands together. “I also wanted to tell you that Lydia and Janet should be here any moment.” He sighed. “I should have told them to come a half an hour earlier. I swear the pair of them has never been on time for anything in their lives.” Nigel came closer. “That’s a lot of fat in there, isn’t it?”
“You need fat to brown the chicken,” Libby said firmly. She’d been through this before. She knew there was even a nice long Latin word for fear of fat and it wasn’t fatophobia. Bernie had told her what it was. She just couldn’t remember.
“Oh,” Nigel said, not sounding even remotely convinced.
“Olive oil is good for your heart.”
“Yes. Well.” Nigel smoothed down the lapel on his brown silk tweed jacket. “I suppose it doesn’t matter really, does it. I mean, look at poor Lionel. One moment on top of his game. At the height of his fame. A three-million-dollar book contract. And the next moment writhing on the ground.”
Bernie stopped behind Nigel, empty tray in hand.
“If you want to get technical, he really didn’t writhe,” she observed.
Nigel half turned.
“No, I suppose he didn’t,” Nigel reflected. “He toppled.”
“Good word choice,” Bernie said.
Nigel beamed. “At one time I fancied myself a writer. But you know how these things go. Life takes us in different directions.”
Bernie gestured around the kitchen.
“This isn’t what I’d call a bad direction.”
Nigel shrugged and rubbed his nose again.
“I suppose that depends on how you define things.”
“And how do you define this?”
“Well, I haven’t achieved my heart’s desire.”
“That’s a pretty tall order.”
“I suppose it is,” Nigel conceded as the doorbell rang. “That must be Lydia and Janet,” he said. “Finally. Sometimes Lydia is beyond irresponsible. She was supposed to be here this afternoon to help me pack up Laird’s room.”
“He was staying with you?” Libby asked.
Nigel regarded her with the tolerant attitude a parent gives to a slightly backward child.
“Well, of course. Where else would he be staying? In a manner of speaking, I’m his literary muse.”
“I wouldn’t brag about that if I were him,” Bernie commented after Nigel had gone to get the door. “Is he British?” she asked Libby.
“No. He spent a semester in Oxford and has never gotten over it.” Libby indicated the warming oven with her chin. “Why don’t you take out the rest of the crab cakes and pass them around. Dinner will be ready in fifteen minutes.”
Chapter 11
“Oh, Nigel,” Lydia was cooing as Bernie hovered behind her and Nigel’s girlfriend, Janet, tray in hand. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here this afternoon to help you with Laird’s effects. I know I said I would be, but I’ve been on the phone all day with Laird’s publisher and the lawyer. You can’t imagine what a nightmare this has been. And speaking of nightmares . . .” Lydia’s face hardened as she glanced in Bernie’s direction. “You didn’t tell me the Simmons girls are catering this event.”
“Crab cake?” said Bernie, brightly proffering the tray.
Nigel swallowed and loosened his tie.
“Now, Lydia,” he began. “This was set up months ago.”
“So what? Don’t tell me you couldn’t have gotten another caterer.”
Janet moved closer to Nigel and put her arm through his.
“I’m sure everything will be fine,” she said giving his forearm a squeeze.
Lydia favored Janet with a withering glance before turning back to Nigel.
“You should have told me.”
“I’m sorry. It never occurred to me to.”
“You realize you’re putting everyone here in danger.”
Janet’s chin shot up. “He’s doing no such thing.”
Lydia snorted.
“Then you’re either an optimist or a fool.”
“Off your Paxil, are you?” sniped Janet.
Nigel made a calming motion with his hands.
“Ladies, please.”
“Fine.” Lydia tossed her hair. “All I’m saying is that I don’t feel comfortable eating food prepared by the Simmons girls. Given the circumstances, I don’t think that’s unreasonable.”
“We do live in America, you know,” Janet snapped. “You have heard of the concept innocent until proven guilty, haven’t you?”
“Be that as it may, I’m not putting my life on the line for some abstract principle.”
Bernie took a step forward.
“I’d be happy to run out and get you a McDonald’s Happy Meal if you want me to.”
Lydia eyed Bernie up and down. Then she said, “It’s obvious that L.A. has not improved your attitude.”
“And New York City hasn’t improved yours. And by the way. Weren’t you sitting next to Lionel at dinner?”
“What’s that suppose to mean?”
“You figure it out.”
Bernie lowered the tray she was holding as she watched Lydia storm into the living room.
“I guess this means she doesn’t want a crab cake,” she said to Nigel and Janet. “Pity, because they really are quite good.”
“She’s overwrought,” Nigel told Bernie.
“Oh. Is that what we’re calling it now?” Bernie replied before heading into the kitchen to discuss an idea she’d just thought of with her sister.
The chicken had come out well, Libby decided. She’d just gotten through explaining the idea of preserved lemons to the table, of how salt mellows the lemons, turning them soft and silky, and come back in through the door, when Bernie tapped her on the shoulder.
Even though the house was air-conditioned, Libby was sweating. It was from stress. She knew that, but what she didn’t know was why she had to sweat on her face. Why not under her arms like everyone else.
Beads of perspiration on her forehead and above her lip were not attractive. That was why she never wore makeup. Because it ended up running down her skin. Not that she’d ever tell that to her sister, who always looked collected no matter what was going on.
“Are we all set for now?” Bernie asked her.
“As far as I can see.”
“Everything under control?”
“For the moment. Even Lydia is eating.”
“Like she wasn’t going to.”
“Why are you asking?” Libby demanded.
Bernie tried for casual. “Well, as Nigel might say, since everyone is engaged I thought I’d just pop up and take a quick peek around Laird’s room.”
“You’re kidding, right?”
Bernie smiled.
Libby put her hands on her hips and glared at her sister.
“Don’t you dare.”
“You really need to take meditation classes or something.”
“This is not a game.”
“I’m fully cognizant of that.”
“No, I don’t think you are. I don’t want you going up there. We’re in enough trouble as it is. You heard Lydia. I’m sure she’s just saying what other people are thinking. The last thing we need now is to be caught sneaking around someone’s house. That would finish us off.”
“Us meaning the business?”
“Yes. I’ve worked too long and hard building it up to watch it being ruined.”
“I’m not going to ruin anything, and if I were you I’d stop thinking about your precious store and start thinking about what the chief said at the station about our being suspects.”
“He said I was the suspect, not you.”
Bernie waved her hand in a gesture of dismissal.
“Don’t make things worse than they already are. We have bills to pay.”
“I’m aware of that, but jail would be a much worse alternative than having to close up shop.”
“Let’s not exaggerate.”
“Dad would agree with me.”
“No, he wouldn’t. He’s a by-the-book kind of guy. He’d tell you to leave this kind of thing to the experts.”
“In this case the experts are tainted. And I can tell you this. I for one am not sitting around waiting to see if you’re arrested.”
“Nice sentiment, but I’m not going to be arrested because I didn’t do anything.”
“This may come as a shock to your idealized view of the world, but the police do make mistakes.”
“You’re just looking for an excuse to do what you want, aren’t you?”
“Not at all,” Bernie replied, hurrying on. “It’s not as if we were breaking into someplace. We’re here. In the unlikely event that I meet someone, I’ll just tell them I went upstairs to use the bathroom and I got lost. That’s not a crime.”
“And what are you going to say when they ask what’s the matter with the bathroom off the kitchen?”
“I’ll tell them it’s stuffed up.”
“But it’s not.”
“It will be.”
“Don’t you dare,” Libby said as she watched Bernie pull a large number of paper towels from the roll on the counter, wad them up into a ball, and march off in the direction of the toilet. “I mean it,” she called after her.
Bernie waved an acknowledgment over her shoulder. “I know you do and that’s why I love you. There,” she said when she returned a minute later. “That should do it.”
“You really are crazy,” Libby said.
“No, I’m resourceful. Don’t worry. I’ll be back before you know it.”
And then she was gone up the back staircase, leaving Libby to remember why she had been so glad that Bernie had gone off to L.A. in the first place.
Chapter 12
Okay, Bernie thought as she glanced around the room Lionel Wrenkoski, once known as the great Laird Wrenn, had occupied. Now that she was here, where was what she was looking for? For that matter, what was she looking for?